Regattas - Onboarding
New Member Regatta - December
Welcome to the Guild. Our regattas allow our members to speak directly to the Guild's founders. They also allow our newest members to learn about our mission, vision and purpose. We'll also inform you of the latest and greatest and how to get involved right out of the box. Importantly, it will allow you to understand who else is getting involved too.
Craft-Building Series
Knowledge Management, Mastery & Models (Craft-Building Series #53)
In our 53rd edition of our Craft Building Series, the Guild will host an expert discussion on the world of knowledge management with three globally renown experts.
What are the edge practices, best models, leading frameworks and watchouts for capturing, retaining, collaborating, connecting and protecting some of your company's most important assets - knowledge.
In this hour we will cover:
- Why We Should Care - The Big Question
- Key Knowledge Problems in an Organization
- Types of Knowledge, Information and Data
- Stages of Knowledge Management
- Benefits of Knowledge Management Models and Systems
- Steps to Knowledge ad Learning Mastery
- Types of Knowledge Management Models & Systems
- Features of Knowledge Management Models & Systems
- Latest trends
- Issues and Watchouts
- Practical Next Steps for Improvement
If you are at all concerned with how you, your team or your company creates, captures, organizes, sensemakes, shares, re-uses, manages, enhances, promotes and sells knowledge, data, hindsight, insight, foresight and crosssight, don't miss this one!
Part of Grey Swan Guild's ongoing monthly series to improve our craft across a wide range of skills and capacities. Go to Grey Swan Guild's calendar for the 80+ events per year that we host. https://www.greyswanguild.org/calendar
Town Hall
Oslo/Bergen Grey Swan Guild January Town hall
We are looking forward to welcoming Norwegians celebrating our 20th feature cities.
Let's bring the best minds, builders, experts, change agents, futurists, leaders and sensemakers of Norway's two largest cities - Oslo & Bergen.
The guild's mission is to make sense of the world's biggest challenges and next Grey Swans. Come join us as we think local and act global.
Grey Swan Guild
- produces 8 reports and 150 articles per year
- hosts over 80 events and experiences annually
- fields 4 key quarterly "Weathervane" intelligence deep dives
- convenes 20+ learning events
- enjoys a network of 7,000 world class minds from across the world
- incubates 10 amazing value-driving ventures
- host four major marquee events - 1,000 Day Radar (futures/foresight) in March, The Day of The Swan (sensemaking/complexity) in May, Camp Play (fun/intelligence) in August and the GSG Book Festival (leadership/change) in November.
Come find out what it is all about and jump into the front row. Meet the founders and participate in a local interactive activity
The pre-registration link:
To find out what we are all about, visit:
To become an official member and get involved, join:
We are also canvassing for three local city captains to play a pivotal tole in our guild's evolution.
Regattas - Onboarding
New Member Regatta - January
Welcome to the Guild. Our regattas allow our members to speak directly to the Guild's founders. They also allow our newest members to learn about our mission, vision and purpose. We'll also inform you of the latest and greatest and how to get involved right out of the box. Importantly, it will allow you to understand who else is getting involved too.
Town Hall
Mexico City/Guadalajara Grey Swan Guild February Town Hall
Poco a poco se anda lejos Mexico!
We're excited to make Mexico City & Guadalajara our 22nd Feature guild cities in February 2023.
Grey Swan Guild is a global collective of passionate souls making sense of the world's biggest challenges and next Grey Swans.
The Grey Swan Guild is:
- 80+ customized events and experiences annually
- clarifying content and publications ahead of their time
- ambitious Cygnus Ventures making a difference in the world
- well-crafted learning experiences and masterclasses
- more-than-superficial intelligence and foresight
- a passionate and wickedly smart global network of thousands of executive members
Come meet the founders at our Town Hall and dive deep into our world of potential.
Join us for the Town Hall and stay for the a one-of-a-kind and valuable; ongoing "fifth place" experience.
#mexico #guadaljara #mexicocity #thinkers #doers #leaders #experts #futurists #sensemakers #strategists #innovators #intrapreneurs #entrepreneurs #changeagents #researchers #greyswanguild
Regattas - Onboarding
New Member Regatta - February
Welcome to the Guild. Our regattas allow our members to speak directly to the Guild's founders. They also allow our newest members to learn about our mission, vision and purpose. We'll also inform you of the latest and greatest and how to get involved right out of the box. Importantly, it will allow you to understand who else is getting involved too.
Town Hall
Denver/Boulder Grey Swan Guild March Feature City Town Hall
“ Colorado has always been a good place to find what you're made of.” — John Hickenlooper. ...
We're excited to convene with Colorado on our 22nd feature city Guild Town Hall.
Let's bring the best minds, builders, experts, change agents, futurists, leaders and sensemakers of Colorado's two innovative cities - Denver & Boulder.
The guild's mission is to make sense of the world's biggest challenges and next Grey Swans. Come join us as we think local and act global.
We are a global guild making sense of the world's biggest challenges and next Grey Swans.
The Grey Swan Guild is:
- 80+ customized events and experiences annually
- clarifying content and publications ahead of their time
- ambitious Cygnus Ventures making a difference in the world
- well-crafted learning experiences and masterclasses
- more-than-superficial intelligence and foresight
- a passionate and wickedly smart global network of thousands of executive members
Come meet the founders at our Town Hall and dive deep into our world of potential.
Join us for the Town Hall and stay for the a one-of-a-kind and valuable; ongoing "fifth place" experience.
#denver #boulder #colorado #thinkers #doers #leaders #experts #futurists #sensemakers #strategists #innovators #intrapreneurs #entrepreneurs #changeagents #researchers #greyswanguild
Regattas - Onboarding
New Member Regarta - March
Welcome to the Guild. Our regattas allow our members to speak directly to the Guild's founders. They also allow our newest members to learn about our mission, vision and purpose. We'll also inform you of the latest and greatest and how to get involved right out of the box. Importantly, it will allow you to understand who else is getting involved too.
Regattas - Onboarding
New Member Regatta - April
Welcome to the Guild. Our regattas allow our members to speak directly to the Guild's founders. They also allow our newest members to learn about our mission, vision and purpose. We'll also inform you of the latest and greatest and how to get involved right out of the box. Importantly, it will allow you to understand who else is getting involved too.
Regattas - Onboarding
New Member Regatta - May
Welcome to the Guild. Our regattas allow our members to speak directly to the Guild's founders. They also allow our newest members to learn about our mission, vision and purpose. We'll also inform you of the latest and greatest and how to get involved right out of the box. Importantly, it will allow you to understand who else is getting involved too.
Regattas - Onboarding
New Member Regatta - June
Welcome to the Guild. Our regattas allow our members to speak directly to the Guild's founders. They also allow our newest members to learn about our mission, vision and purpose. We'll also inform you of the latest and greatest and how to get involved right out of the box. Importantly, it will allow you to understand who else is getting involved too.
Regattas - Onboarding
New Member Regatta - July
Welcome to the Guild. Our regattas allow our members to speak directly to the Guild's founders. They also allow our newest members to learn about our mission, vision and purpose. We'll also inform you of the latest and greatest and how to get involved right out of the box. Importantly, it will allow you to understand who else is getting involved too.