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The Future Post-Pandemic & Next Normal




About the Course

In panel #1 of our discussion, we go broad and kick off a discussion on the world post-pandemic (we hope) and how we progress over the next 1,000 days to the future next normal, after-COVID equilibrium or whatever you want to call it.

How have our values shifted? What will be the key considerations we have to look forward to? What will be the scenarios that will play out? What are the unexpected wild card Grey Swans that may happen? And what arte the implications for us now?

Your Instructor

Sean Moffitt

Sean Moffitt

Sean Moffitt is Managing Director, Futureproofing: Next, Co-Founder, Grey Swan Guild, MD - Wikibrands, Sensemaker, Futureproofer, Changemaker, Board Member, Author, Webcast/Podcast host

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