Celebrating Our Second Guild Anniversary:
24 Hours of Futures & Sensemaking
Thursday, May 26th, 8am ET to Friday May 26th 8am ET
On Thursday May 25th, 2022 to Friday May 26th, 2022, the Grey Swan Guild is holding a series of back-to-back 1-hr events developed and hosted by our members.
With a focus on sensemaking, futures thinking, leading post-pandemic, learning, relearning, unlearning and networking, the events are conducted as panel discussions and/or interactive workshops via video and chat for 24 hours straight.
Join Us: See Our Schedule below.
2:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Emerging Meta-People: The Promise of AI Delivered?
A carefully curated review of recent Meta-people that are being created across the globe using Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, and Robotics. How will these "people" evolve? Is this a good start or a disappointment?
Gordon Withrow
Audience Q&A
Rapid Tour
4:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Global and Regional Futures of Prioritizing Trauma-informed Mental Health Services
From El Salvador to the Ukraine to Planet Earth: How prioritizing the mental health of populations in war-torn or violence-ridden regions today, derives benefits for regional and global political, social and economic stability in the future
Giada Ferrucci
Paula Papel
6:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
The Omni Future Live
We will produce and record an interactive podcast about the many probable & possible futures interview with a primary guest and other pre-selected participants that will be of interest to a broad audience.
Steve Wells
Howard Fields, Gina Clifford, Lorena Dexter Chaichian
Live Webcast/Podcast
8:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Universal Basic Income ... and your city is it beautiful or tragedy?
Universal Basic income will change all cities What is a basic income? it's an idea that has come a long way in just a few short years. Skills and employment are changing dramatically, poverty is rampant, many jobs are being taken over by AI and automation. Where does that leave a still-expanding global workforce? We'll look at the rationale, the kinds of basic incomes, pilots, data, and why they are painted as both saviour and nightmare by fans and foes alike, depending on the variation.
Jen Evans
Audience Q&A
10:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
The Spectrum of Assholes
Assholes are everywhere. Some are dangerous, some lovable. The dangerous one can cause psychological damage. Some assoles are very subltle in terrible ways, These are the most dangerous because they lower your defenses. This session will help people identify types and techniques of assholery. It will give people tools and techniques to act and react to situations to protect yourselves and others.
Lauren Nignon
Sophia Khan
Psychological Deep Dive
12:00 a.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Space For All: The Democratization of Space
Making sense of the current state of commercial space and what's next for private and public ventures. Space exploration used to be the purview of governmental agencies with lofty goals and large budgets. Advancement in materials technology and continued miniaturization, coupled with an explosion if venture capital interest in commercial space ventures, has changed the landscape. During this session, we'll take a look at what this means for commercial space ventures in both the developed and developing world, as well as exploring how these changes may affect the mission of traditional governmental space agencies.
Fernando Gutierrez
Audience Q&A
4:00 a.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Craft Building Series - Experimentation and The Power of Doing
Our Craft Building Series will host Edition #30 of its series within Day of The Swan - climbing behind the curtain of our craft to explore experimentation as a way of being. All life is an experiment, the more experiments you make the better. Let's get behind the curtain of our craft and see how we go about it, the different perspectives, the key debates, the top approaches, the seasoned tips, the leading resources, the big tips and where it goes next. Let's learn together.
The Craft-Building Event Team
Audience Collaboration
Craft Building Workshop
8:00 a.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Decrytofying Crypto - Blockchain for People in the Real World
Look up the term crypto in search and you will either get "crypto is so dumb, stupid, slow, volatile, dead, energy-intensive" or "crypto is so popular, important, secure, easy, revolutionary, safe". There doesn't seem to be a middle ground. Perhaps we'll settle on one. Let's get the crypto facts, debunks some myths and get the implications for the real world, where most of us live. We'll look at the opportunities, issues, use cases and debates for cryptography, NFTs and its blockchain cousin.
Atelier Panelists
Audience Chat
Recorded Workshop
10:00 a.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Disruptive Australia
The Australian region has been characterised by “change” and “disruption” in recent times and the “foreseeable future”, geo-politics, economic spheres, socio-economics, environmental flashpoints, social and cultural shifts, technology springboards. All are on the table, let's discuss.
An open forum of Australian Sopeakers
Audience Contribution
Collaborative Workshop
3:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
The Power of Collective Wisdom
The Future of Leadership. Work Better, Together. An exploration of the mental models we need to develop to navigate ambiguity and the rate and pace of change and how we can harness the power of diversity in ourselves and others to become "future fit".
Louise Mowbray
Audience Interaction
5:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Bridging Divides by Challenging Beliefs: Learning to Collaborate in a VUCA World
The need for global collaboration is at an all-time high, yet identities that divide seem to be the primary attribute defining us all. How can you encourage collaboration in a volatile and uncertain world? How can divides be bridged in the midst of complexity and ambiguity? These are the questions we will discuss in this interactive workshop style session. This will be an interactive workshop style session with small group break outs, debate and active chat interspersed between 5-10 min presentation chunks.
Julia Claeys Freeland
Audience Breakouts
Interactive Workshop
7:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Futuregazing for Teens - Providing Agency for a Better Future
One of the overlooked challenges and legacaies of our pandemic are the increased mental health issues, the inability to plan for the future and the general loss of hope among teens that has remained high. As part of Grey Swan Guild's key social impact Cygnus Venture - Futuregazing stands as a mission. for hope - how do teens role model and demonstrate for other teens. Our panel of six will provide their ambitions, the importance of getting this work right and how to empower teens to take agency over their future.
Geeta Dhir
Joelle Neish, Gina Clifford,
Sarah Sheehan, Marimer Baltazar Sean Moffitt
Expert Panel
9:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Sprint - The Speed of Change is Even Faster
Too often, the people advocating for responses to disruption aren't disrupting themselves, In this session, we cover the disruption of professional services, consulting, advisory and change work. What we have discovered, where are the gaps, what are the underutilized resources and how much faster has the world really become? We are in the age of the Sprint and the need for speed. Added Bonus - Cygnus Sprints in seven parts.
Micthell Halpern
Sean Moffitt, Cygnus Sprints teams
Collaborative Panel
11:00 p.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Tricia’s Treasures, Adaptation of an Antique Business Model into Today’s Changing World.
During the pandemic many were forced to work from home, how the need to get out of the basement office created a more than just a small business.
The search for an office, realization we had a diverse business model, adapting and evolving to create growth, eyes currently on the future and model repeatability
Scott Phares
Audience Q&A
Experiential Memoir
3:00 a.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
The Fly Trap - Capturing the 25 Ways to Improve The World
The motivation in this segment is to identify 25 new breakthrough ideas of how to improve the world in work, life, play, socializing, travelling, sleeping, eating, and learning. Come on add to our mix. The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. The only ask - make these ideas something the world hasn't heard about yet.
Sean Moffitt
Audience Contribution
Late Night Phone In
5:00 a.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Fahrenheit 4.51° - The Climate Change-Demic
"Climate Change" is our #1 sustainable development challenge for our future. So what are we going to do about it? Where are we tracking? What are the nexus of causes? What are some breakout options and thoughts to reverse it, ameliorate it, tolerate it and/or deal with its inevitability? Let's get a barometer on our world's thermometer.
Atelier Panelists
Audience Chat
Recorded Workshop
9:00 a.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
Radar Collection - Minimizing the Surprise of the Next 1,000 Days
Multidisciplinary Futures that people can actually act on. They need to focus a little more on where they are going versus where they have come from. While organizations need foresight, they are notorious in their bias for short term and narrow thinking, sometimes either suppressing or rejecting foresight. Conversely, there is a futures industry that is far future abstract and never can define the implications for actions in the now. The need for futures thinking that changes your now, tools and approaches to bring the future forward and ways to bring bring it to life have never been more important. Let's solve for this. Bonus - pre-teasing the launch of Grey Swan's Radar Collection.
Akash Das
Sean Moffitt
11:00 a.m.
(Local time)
Zoom event
The Guild Cast Back, The Guild Cast Forward
Recap of the highlights of the day that was the Day of the Swan II with session captains and leaders and gazing forward as we look at the third year of the Grey Swan Guild.
Team Captains and Segment Session leaders
Audience Feedback