Definition of Futures
Definition of Foresights
Twenty Reasons Why Futures & Foresights Matter::
#1. Stay Ahead of A Precarious Accelerated World
#2 Avoid Being Blindsided by Chaotic, Uncertain Shifts
#3. Detect, Monitor & React to Looming Grey Swans
#4. Benefit & Take Advantage of Knowledge Arbitrage
#5. Master the Complexity of Issues
#6. Deal with Trajectories of No Straight Lines and Lack of Predictability
#7. Navigate the Multiple Avenues of Emerging Technology
#8. Provide Personal Value and Hope
#9. Overcome the Near Term Focus of Organizations
#10. Take Agency and Domain over your Future
#11. Holding a Perpetual Focus — Always a Moving Target
#12 Leverage a Human Instinct — The Ability To Explore and Ask What If
#13. Envision Plausible & Preferred Mindsets that Allow for Innovation
#14. Longer Term Orientation and Planning Lead to Gold
#15. Elevate The Future to a More Pressing Concern — Horizons Thinking is Wrong
#16. Ecosystem Plays Take Time To Develop
#17. Emphasizes Learning vs. Knowing — Adaptation to Uncertainties
#18. Bring the Best Range of People & Disciplines to Bear on a Challenge
#19. Promote Resilience and Responsiveness.
#20. Tackle Social Innovation and the Ability to Get at Pervasively Problematic Issues